Immerse yourself in the charm of our Lily Love Affair bouquet. Hand-knitted crochet lilies paired with indulgent milk chocolate. Nestled in a multifunctional jute cone, adorned with everlasting wheatgrass, baby's breath, and bunny tail, this bouquet is a celebration of elegance and indulgence. Treat yourself or someone special to a moment of pure delight with our Lily Love Affair bouquet
Product Specifications:
Hand- knitted crochet lilies in yellow, dark pink and pink colour
Allthings chocolate- 33% single Origin Iudkki Milk chocolate(100g)
Handmade multifunctional jute cone
No-maintenance Wheat grass, baby breaths and bunnytail which lasts foreve
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Meet The Makers
Welcome to Jawahar Nagar, the beating heart of our crochet skill centre. Here, amidst the rhythmic click of needles, talented artisans skillfully transform delicate threads into intricate and beautiful crochet pieces that capture the imagination. With our unwavering commitment to fair trade, we empower the artisans of Jawahar Nagar to refine their crochet skills, earn fair wages, and provide for their families, celebrating their artistry and dedication to the craft.
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